On July 9-11, 2023, the representative and full delegate of our Rotary Club, Prof. Igor Dunayev took part in the 3-day annual Rotary conference of District 2232 in the city of Dubno, Rivne region.

As known, Mr. John Hewko, Secretary General of Rotary International, was appointed as the official representative of Rotary International President Jennifer Jones at this Conference, who personally participated in all events. The conference was held in the ancient city of Dubno, located in Western Ukraine.

No doubly, it was a wonderful and full of actions conference. We note the very high level of its organization and the unique friendly microclimate that prevailed at the conference among the participants. We are certain that this was also influenced by the fact that all the Conference events took place on the territory of the ancient (15th century) Dubno Castle. Therefore, the medieval atmosphere, Rotary hospitality and traditional creativity were guaranteed.

But the main thing is that our delegate personally met dozens of Ukrainian Rotarians from other cities, discussed the prospects of cooperation and mutual support for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and the spread of humanitarian projects in the Kharkiv region. Also, our delegate Igor Dunayev took part in all events, in particular – in voting on personnel and organizational decisions in the interests of operational management of the Rotary movement in District 2232 for the coming years.

Our club expresses its sincere gratitude to fellow Rotarians from the city of Dubno for the excellent organization and constructive position on all issues.

We look forward to fruitful cooperation with the new governor of District 2232, Myron Ughrin, and the newly elected officers of District 2232 for the coming Rotary year, which, as you know, begins on July 1 each year.