Our district №2232

  • Districts of Rotary International are united into Regions of Rotary International. Ukraine as part of district 2232 is part of region 20, which includes the countries of Central Europe (Austria, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Croatia, the Czech Republic) and Israel, which are united in 9 districts. The largest number of Rotary clubs in our district are in Poland, Romania and Ukraine.
  • Despite the 2022-2023 war in Ukraine, the Ukrainian segment of Rotary District №2232 has significantly increased. This confirms the fact: from February to October 2022, the number of Rotary clubs in all countries of District №2232 increased by 23.5% (1103 in February 2022 to 1365 clubs in October 2022). Ukraine is a clear confirmation of this trend: the values of service to society and the opportunities of Rotary during the war became key for the Ukrainian nation.